Getting in shape doesn’t have to be so complicated.  

You don’t need to keep floundering about, hopping from program to program, diet to diet, goal to goal – making zero progress along the way…

You don’t need to spend a small fortune on worthless supplements every month (that drain your wallet and give you nothing in return)…

And you definitely don’t need to spend 2 hours hitting the weights to get a good workout in.

You don’t need any of that…

All you need is for a skilled professional to give you direction, accountability, and the drive to achieve your goals once and for all.

As a full-time physical transformation coach, I’ve had the good fortune to impact thousands of people with my unique approach to health & fitness.  Time and again, clients have come to me with the desire to improve, but no way to act on it. I’m incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to help guide them towards the things they wanted most.

Fitting into smaller jeans, getting in better shape for their sport, or simply increasing their everyday energy levels… it doesn’t matter what their goals are – the tools for achieving remain the same:



Smart (realistic!) programming

A results-driven approach

These are the building blocks of success in transforming your body. Without these in place, you’re in trouble. But a program that incorporates all these? That’s how you get where you’re going easier than ever before.

I’ve helped people just like you make the changes they wanted so badly… and I can help you too.


  • Fully qualified personal trainer, with two accredited degrees in both Sports & Exercise Science and Sports & Leisure.
  • 20,000+ people impacted with my work.
  • 5000+ hours spent coaching, studying and developing my systems.
  • 4 years experience as a full-time personal trainer.
  • Donegal native, Sligo resident!



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